Planet Positive Tips

April 1, 2023 | Wellness

Planet Positive Tips For Earth Month and Beyond

Let’s talk environmental sustainability! Small lifestyle changes over time can lessen the amount of carbon emissions we produce. Collectively, these small changes can have significant positive impact on our planet. See some tips below for eco-friendly lifestyle changes for our health and the planet. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start with one small change at a time.

Choose to reuse. Swap plastic or disposable drink-ware for reusable versions to help conserve water used to produce plastic bottles and to reduce landfill waste. Studies have found that up to 93% of bottled water contains micro-plastics. Reusable water bottles are not only good for the planet, but good for us too.

Plan to prep. Meal prepping not only helps you stay within a desired eating plan; it can also save time, money and environmental resources by encouraging you to purchase only what you will use. One day each week, block out some time to plan your meals, including a few different variations so you don’t get bored throughout the week. A good place to start is to add three vegetables, two proteins and a starch to your grocery list. Plan to use up all of the perishables you purchased, to minimize food waste.

Buy in bulk. This goes hand-in-hand with meal prepping. Consider buying your non-perishable items like nuts, seeds and grains in bulk to save money. Bulk buying also requires less packaging, creating less waste. Some stores allow you to bring your own container to fill, and don’t forget to bring your reusable bags!

Compost if you can. Your town may have a composting program set up for the community to drop off (or pick up) food scraps and other compostable items. Search for nearby composting programs in your area. Additionally, remember that your food scraps can be used for other purposes. Don’t throw those egg shells away – they are full of calcium and can act as a fertilizer supplement for your plants! Find other ways to compost your food scraps or incorporate them into nourishing your plants.

Create your own cleaning products. Many food scraps can be incorporated into your cleaning products. It can be as simple as combining citrus peels and vinegar to make an all-natural, fragrant surface cleaner which can have the same antibacterial effects as the cleaning products you’d find in store. Not only are you avoiding potential toxins by creating your own products, but you are also limiting plastic use by reusing bottles or containers you may already have around the house.

Stay informed. Be aware of greenwashing. Greenwashing is when a company or organization spends more time, money and resources on marketing their sustainability efforts than on actually minimizing their environmental impact. Some companies may advertise themselves as “all-natural” or use packaging that appears to be better for the planet. There are many amazing eco-friendly products out there – do your research and don’t let greenwashing fool you!
