Waste Not 2
Many households do not have a good idea of the quantity of food they need to prepare and eat satisfactorily without waste.
Did you know that food waste in landfills creates methane gas? Food waste is one of the largest contributors to climate change. Watch what you are sending to the landfill to lower your carbon footprint.
It is wiser to eat all of the food you buy, so you don’t have to discard anything. This is especially fun if you have kids but even if you don’t, regrowing your food scraps is a great way to reuse those vegetables or just have a nice houseplant.
Celery can be regrown by cutting off about two inches of the end and placing it in a shallow dish of water. After a few days, watch small leaves emerge from the center. Replant in soil within a few weeks.
About an inch of a carrot top can also be cut off and placed in a shallow dish of water. The stems will regrow and are edible. Try making a pesto from the green leaves or sprinkling them on salad, they taste just like carrots!