Artic Char: A Sustainable Alternative

February 1, 2023 | Wellness


You’ve heard of salmon and its health benefits, but have you heard of Arctic char, the sustainable alternative?

Arctic char is a cold-water fish in the salmon family that shares many characteristics with salmon:

  • Like salmon, arctic char is a great source of healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with heart and brain health.
  • Arctic Char has a pink-flesh color that is related to trout and salmon with skin that is thin, delicate and edible and tasty.
  • It is easy to prepare using multiple cooking methods, such as baking broiling, or searing. Its mild flavor makes it an adaptable protein option for any meal.

This versatile fish, underappreciated fish delivers a meaty texture and subtle flavor that can be swapped for salmon in nearly every application, In fact, 61% of consumers enjoy this fish and say it is comparable to salmon. However, one notable difference when compared to salmon is that Arctic char is the more sustainable choice.

Wild salmon has been overfished and most of the salmon we see in grocery stores comes from aquaculture farms. The Arctic Char population is stronger, however, and char also takes well to being farmed, offering a greater number of sustainable options, The Monterey Bar Aquarium Seafood Watch gives the “best choice” rating to Arctic char that is farmed using fishing practices that are not harmful to other species or the marine environment. The “best choice” rating is assigned when the fish are well managed and are caught or farmed responsibly, and these are the choices recommended to buy before others. Arctic char has several options that are more sustainable than salmon.

Overall, consumer awareness of issues surrounding seafood choices is incredible important and influences whether our favorite seafood options will still be available in the future. With some species of salmon on the decline, it is important to seek out alternatives like Arctic char to help with the diversification of the seafood industry. Arctic char is a flavorful, sustainable option that deserves some spotlight. Choose the seafood that is not only good for you but is also good for our planet’s future.
